Dark Horse Chardonnay, 750 ml

$8.99 (as of March 24, 2019, 3:39 am) & FREE Shipping. Details

Well balanced, buttery, with a hint of oak
Flavors of baked apple, peach and caramel
Highly versatile wine, enjoy on its own or with any meal

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Dark Horse Chardonnay offers bright, abundant aromas of baked apple and peaches, layered with buttery notes of toasted oak and caramel. The rich, creamy flavors of this Chardonnay are nicely complemented by refreshingly crisp acidity, culminating in a smooth, lingering finish. Serve this white wine chilled. From California.
Well balanced, buttery, with a hint of oak
Flavors of baked apple, peach and caramel
Highly versatile wine, enjoy on its own or with any meal
From California
87 Points, Wine Enthusiast

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